quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2009

My day-by-day_Giseli

8:30: I wake up.
8:15: I brush my teeth.
8:30: I have breakfast.
8:30: I watch tv.

12:00: I have lunch.
12:30: I take a showe.
1:00-5:30: I go to school.

6:30: I do homework.
8:30: I have dinner.
9:00: I wath tv.
11:00: I go to bed.

My Abilities_Tayná Daniela

1º: I can play volleyball.
2º: I can play table tennis.
3º: I can not cook.

4º: I can not sing.
5º: I can play guitars.
6º: I can play soccer.

7º: I can not fight karate.
8º: I can not play basquetball.
9º: I can iswin.
10º: I can not dance.

quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009

My-day-by-day_Camila Caroline

9:OO: I wake up.
9:15: Brush teeth.
9:30:I have breakfast.

11:30: I have lunch.
12:30: I take shower.
01:30-5:30: I go to school.

6:30: I do homework.
9:00: I watch TV.
11:00:I go to bed.

quarta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2009

MY-day-by-day_Tayná Daniela

8:30: I wake up.
8:45: I Brush my teeth.
9:00: I have breakfast.

9:30: I waCH TV.
12:00: I have lunch.
12:30: I take a shower.

1:30-5:30: I go School.
6:30: I do homework.
11:00: I go to bed.


sexta-feira, 2 de outubro de 2009

quinta-feira, 1 de outubro de 2009

Who am i? Giseli

Name: Giseli Pereira Gomes.
Age: 12 years old.
Occupation: Estudy.
Mother: Salete Provenci.
Father: João Pereira Gomes.
Sisters: Aline,Elaine, Jessica and Gislaine.
Brother: I don`t Have.
Live in: Boa Vista, Joinville-SC.
Birthday: December 13th.
Place of birth: Joinville-SC.

who am I? Camila

Name: Camila Caroline Lemos.
Age: 12 years old.
Occupation: student.
Mother: Débora Isabel Ferreira Lemos.
Father: Luciano Lemos.
Brother: Julio César Lemos.
Sister: I don`t Have.
Live in: Boa Vista, Joinville - SC.
Birthday: April 24th.
Place of birth: Joinville-SC.

who am I?-Tayná

Name: Tayná Daniela Roussenq.
Age: 12 years old.
Occupation: Estudent.
Mother: Nádia Regina Roussenq.
Father: Daniel Roussenq.
Brother: Julio César Roussenq.
Sister: Aline Beatriz Fogassi.
Live in: Boa Vista, Joinville-SC.
Birthday: February 15th.
Place of birth: Joinville-SC.

Quem sou eu?-Giseli

Meu nome é Giseli Pereira Gomes. Sou estudante. Tenho 12 anos. Moro no bairro Boa Vista,Joinville-SC. Nasci em Joinville-SC no dia 13 de Dezembro de 1996.
O nome da minha mãe é Salete Provenci e do meu pai é João Pereira Gomes.
Tenho 4 irmãs que se chamam Elaine,Aline, Jessica,Gislaine. Não tenho irmão.
Esta sou eu.